Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Concept Maps is a creative way to create concept maps for class or other reasons. In my personal experience I found it hard to create a concept map of colours. I used red, blue and yellow (the primary colours) and tried to add connections in where the colours create new ones when mixed. I found that I had trouble connecting bubbles together. This was my result:

Picture was created in:

Wordle: Behaviourism

created at

Wordle and tag crowd are an effective way to summarise points of a paragraph. These ICT's can be a positive ICT to use in the way that you can summarise a paragraph or whole article within a minute and less by just coping and pasting into the box on the site. The negative site to these ICT's is that it is in a way a cheat's way of summarising a paragraph and when using these tools students are not summarising themselves, the computer is. Students need to be able to know how to summarise for they will not always have access to computers. In conclusion, though these ICT's are an easy to use and quick to use.


  1. This is a great attempt theresa!! At times i also found that they were more difficult to manipulate, however with more practice this becomes alot easier and before you know it you can create concept maps using in your sleep!! I believe that this would be the same if it was used in the classroom environment, as there will be students who have more difficulty with manipulating the tool, however i also believe that this is great for learning as other students who are move computer literate will be able to help and assist these students with their learning. This way all students will be engaged and learning. This is where the engagement theory comes in!! If the students are focused and engaged with a given task, their learning will be more substantial!! I agree with the engagement theory and believe that is an important aspect to consider when it comes to student learning!

  2. I agree that this is an excellent tool for those students who are technology literate and for whole class learning. However I think that this way of producing concept maps could be lenghty and so is not suited to short class lessons. The reason for this is because there is little time in school for teachers to learn about new ICT's that they could use in the classroom, let alone be able to teach the students how to use the tool. I agree that the students would be engaged with the learning but I think that concept maps would also include cooperative learning theory by Vygotsky. I suggest that by using your idea of the technology literate students cooperatively learning and constructing concept maps with those that arent technology literate could benefit everyone involved.

  3. I agree with you here Theresea!! I also believe that by using concept maps in the classroom is that they relate to both Bloom's Taxonomy and Dimensions of Learning as well. By getting students to think in a mapped out way - engaging them in thinking about thinking (metacognition) and higher order thinking, we are challenging students which results in great effective learning.

    I will definately use these in my classroom as I have become highly reliant on them throughout this assignment task and in my general pedagogy.
